LoanWorks has the fastest loan process in the industry – by far.

Where does this story begin? Homeowners share their horror stories about going through the loan process. Loan companies are often slow, inefficient, paper-intensive, and repeat requests for documentation that wasn’t needed, creating stressful deadlines and missed closings. These stories are all too frequent because, unfortunately, the loan industry has an old-fashioned way of doing business.
Most loan companies are stuck in their traditional loan processing models. Loan officers claim to be fast, but they are all basically the same. Customers often experience outdated manual processes that are slow and cumbersome because there just hasn’t been a significantly better way to do it.

What does LoanWorks do that solves this problem for those involved? LoanWorks has leveraged artificial intelligence and an improved application process to re-engineer the loan industry completely. LoanWorks loan officers offer groundbreaking technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Process Automation and do things faster, more accurately, and easier than ever imagined. LoanWorks customers save time, save money, and increase their chances of approvals.

Experience how easy LoanWorks can take an application using a conversational personal AI Loan Assistant, AngelAi, who will intelligently request only the minimal information necessary. AngelAi will then process your loan in minutes, underwrite your loan in hours, and take care of everything for you to close within days. With LoanWorks, customers now have instant responses and progress and a lot more time back in their life!